Fixed Embossing Head

Fixed Embossing Head Braille Writers



Below is my collection of Braille writing machines that work like the traditional typewriter, the paper is rolled round the carriage and the carriage moves whilst the embossing head is fixed.




An Anderson & Sorensen Braille Writer No. 3-2316 from 1950’s. Made in Denmark. A silver machine with black keys:


anderson & sorensen braille writer no. 3-2316






A Banks Pocket Writer from the 1920’s designed by Dr. Alfred Banks Made in New York exclusively distributed by the Lions clubs. Produces Braille on a half inch wide roll of tape. Grey with black keys:


banks pocket writer




A Blista-Marburg Braille Writer No. 2032. Made by Marburg Lahn Germany invented by Oskar Picht from the 1900’s. Green and black with white keys:


blista-marburg braille writer no. 2032




A Blista-Marburg Braille Writer No. 5931. Green with white keys:


blista-marburg braille writer no. 5931




A Blista-Marburg Braille Writer No. 30264. This is an updated version of the Braille Writer, possibly from the 1960’s. Green with white keys:


blista-marburg braille writer no. 30264




An Erika Picht Braille Writer made in Leipzig Germany, an index card Braille Writer. Black machine on a red base with white keys:


erika picht braille writer




A Marburg Tape Spool Braille Writer (Braille Stenotype) 1960’s. A small tape Braille Writer producing Braille on a half inch wide roll of paper. A skilled person could produce between 250 and 300 Braille signs per minute. The front of the casing opens to reveal the keys. Green with black keys:


marburg tape spool braille writer




A New Hall Braille Writer 1940’s to 1970’s, produced by the American Printing House for the Blind. This machine used many standard typewriter parts to keep costs low and simplify repairs. The New Hall Writer is an updated machine from the Hall Writer that was originally produced in the 1890’s. Grey with black keys:


new hall braille writer




A Shorthand Machine with Hinged lid, manufactured by J M Glauser (Stenotype) 1930’s, produced in London England. A folding arm holds the 1 inch wide spool of paper. Black machine black case and black keys:


shorthand machine with hinged lid




A Shorthand Machine with removable lid similar to the one listed above but this has a removable lid:


shorthand machine with removable lid




A Tatrapoint Braille Writer 1960’s has many features of a conventional typewriter. Blue with grey keys:


tatrapoint braille writer




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