Moving Embossing Heads

Moving Embossing Heads

Braille machines with a Moving Embossing Head




The most common Braille writing machine is the Perkins.


You will find quite a few variations of these machines in a range of colours.




A Perkins Printer Attachment


After removing the base plate of a Perkins the Perkins would then sit on this device connecting it to a standard printer. This would enable both print and Braille documents to be produced.


perkins attachment for printer


A Perkins Dymo Tape Adapter


This is a metal plate that feeds into the Perkins just like a sheet of paper. It holds a length of Dymo tape for you to write on.


A perkins dymo tape adapter


An electrically powered Perkins


This machine requires a mains power supply, this modification makes the keys easier to press.


An electrically powered perkins


A Perkins with extension keys


Extension keys come in a range of options, some for added leveridge and others to adjust finger spacing dependant of your needs.


a perkins with extension keys


A Traditional Perkins Brailler designed by David Abraham in the 1950’s produced by the Howe Press of Perkins School for the blind in Massachusetts. This machine has approximately 500 parts. The paper is contained inside making the machine easier to transport. This is the traditional grey, however other colours such as red, blue and green are available today.


a perkins


A Pyke Glauser Braille Writer


1920’s. Developed by the RNIB. This machine has no paper roller the paper passes through the machine the only moving part is the embossing head and linkage from the keys. The keys are situated with dots 1 2 and 3 on the left front corner and dots 4 5 and 6 on the front right corner with a long space bar between them. To proceed to the next new line the operator has to manually move the paper clamp to the next position. It has a folding paper clamp guide to the rear. Grey in colour.


a pyke glauser braille writer


A Large Stainsby Braille Writer


The Stainsby Braille Writers are known as crab writers produced by V.L. Martin Co. Ltd. England. The carriage moves from right to left when writing producing down facing dots just as they are produced by a hand frame. Also available with reversed keys. The original Stainsby dates from the 1890’s. This is the full sized rigid version.


a large stainsby braille writer


A Large Stainsby as above, however this one has a folding backing board. It folds in half across it’s width.


large folding stainsby


A Small Folding Stainsby


Just like above, however this one has a folding backing board making it easier to transport. It has two folding positions, lenghways. Only uses half a sheet of paper.


a small folding stainsby



Machines still being sourced:


A St Dunstons Brailler


A Lavender Brailler



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