



Press release MCC

February see’s the launch of a collectors club.


Kelham Island is hosting the newly formed model collectors club.

We are holding club days on the 3rd Sunday of every month to start with, and as more members join we hope to make club days more frequent.

The idea behind the club is to give space for people to display and talk about the collections in their lives.


The two founder members have a love of steam models, so holding the club days at Kelham Island with the history of steam that is the heart of their exhibit, we thought it would be a great place to bring our collections of Mamod models.


However the club is not restricted to steam toys, other members have collections of novelty memory sticks, matchstick boxes and books and for the ladies someone who has just started collecting miniature shoes.

We may also have the pleasure of a member bringing sections of their model railway.


We welcome anyone to bring along their collections, which could be of almost anything you have collected and no one else gets to look at apart from yourself.

Here is the opportunity to share them with others.

Club times are between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.

To find out more about the club please feel free to contact Alan or David:

Alan 07961406739                                       David 07847393631